Thursday, 1 November 2018

You can never stand still in this industry. Not only do we have the annual anxiety about the weather, which was an exceptional challenge this year, but also the supplier landscape has been changing yet again along with Wyevale’s strategic disposal of some or all of its garden centres.
The fire at the Gardman warehouse at the start of the year has been followed up by its sale to Westland, so both Solus and now Gardman, as was, have both disappeared from the supplier landscape. This has inevitably resulted in new challenges and opportunities for customers and suppliers alike.
Smart remains focussed on delivering fantastic product innovation and service to our customer base while recent events have inevitably resulted in a further growth spurt for 2019 and beyond – although we’ve been growing at a pretty fast rate regardless!
It just underlines the old business maxim – you can’t stand still, but must keep evolving and innovating to survive and keep ahead.
We’re looking forward to 2019 more than ever now, although we don’t anticipate as much drama in the marketplace as we’ve seen this year.